3 things that make a business successful

3 things that make a business successful


3 things that make a business successful

what makes a business successful easy

The business world has gone through many dramatic changes over the last few years. Many people are looking for new ways to start their own businesses. I’m no exception. This is a big year for me as I’ve launched and teamed up with a couple of startups that are currently in the works.

As a business advisor to startups, I’ve been able to see the transition from the traditional approach to how businesses start. Many of my business mentors have said that even the old-fashioned, old-fashioned approach of “Marketing” is not working anymore. They said that “all marketers look-alike”, which is code for, “the same people that were pushing push come 2016 are still pushing the same message of #branding. The same thing is still happening, just today’s emphasis is more digital. But the underlying message is the same and it really isn’t the client. However, a big change is happening. An important shift is happening and I’ve been fortunate to help businesses do this as I’ve said before.

The modern business model, as digital and digital-ready as it seems to be today, is still being brutally edited in everything it does. This means starting your business on a clean slate with copyright–without the intent of self-censorship or copies analysis.

Many entrepreneurs look at me for advice and guidance. Here are some key tips that I’ve shared with folks in the past and helped them with so far:


what makes a business successful easy

Starting your first day of business starts with a clear understanding of the internet and clients or customers.

Most traditional businesses try to spend a ton of their resources doing a little bit of everything and pretty much-getting nothing. While this may work in a traditional setting, it’s not going to work for entrepreneurs today. They’re being asked to market a new product or service to a brand new audience.

Entrepreneurs need to understand the exact market segment they’re targeting today. This will help you grow a landing page that’s designed for the right brand and price to address the unique needs of their target market segment. It can help you shape your landing page to answer the specific requirements your clients have when it comes to identifying what they want from you. This will help your client improve the trajectory of their business when it comes to marketing.

If you’re still unsure what your marketing mix should be you can talk to a marketing professional to help clear this up.


what makes a business successful easy

Creating a solid value proposition is critical to your business's success.

A clear value proposition is a concept that serves as a foundation for marketing of all sorts. It’s what provides value for your clients and customers.

How does it help them? What does it provide that you can’t get elsewhere?

It’s important to ask these questions and answer them. This might look like this:

Why are you providing this service?

What makes you unique compared to others?

What’s the added value to your client?

What is the purpose of your work?

What does success mean to you?

What can you do to boost your client’s experience with your product or service?

What are the challenges you’re going to overcome when your business launches?

3. Acknowledge challenges as a company, not an individual.

what makes a business successful easy

These days it’s as easy to find the SMB startup using Markings templates as it is to find a startup. It’s a great tool and if you’re getting traction then it’s likely someone in your department (whether it’s marketing, development, sales) is already using it.

Is your company looking for feedback? Take them out to lunch and ask for it. More often than not they’ll tell you what you want to hear. You might not like what they are telling you but it’s a sign of increased awareness of the brand.

The one thing you absolutely cannot do is ignore the fact that there are legitimate challenges. It’s normal for a company to be facing issues. It’s part of the journey. It’s normal for an organization to need help. You’ll most likely get it. Chances are you won’t get it in the exact shape you desire but you know you can learn from it and make it right.

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